Slowly but surely we are seeing changes around the house. For the most part, the hard work going on right now is stuff that will never be seen again. Poo!! Who wants to spend thousands of bucks on duct work? Just makes me shiver but, hey, hopefully my kids will breathe easier and the musty smells will be "gone like a freight train"!
In the meantime, we continue to scope out the land....and I continue to steal kisses....
Check out those studs! This house is SOLID! As for me. I'm a little less than solid these days. "Hey y'all!" But I'm sure proud of how hard we worked in the bathroom and were able to get most of the sheetrock removed, as well as the gross floor.

We are pretty sure that the previous owners held stock in floor glue (and nails!!). The stuff is EVERYWHERE and every bit of floor in this house is stuck like a tongue to a metal pole in the winter!!
Raise your hand if you've seen this flooring pattern before? Vintage? Yes! Cute? NO! Had to go. Like I said, everything in this house is gross and dirty. Plus, I have a really awesome plan for this little potty room!
Now, onto some other floor in the house. This is in the front room that will eventually be the boys' room. "Before pictures" to come after..???? I'll get to showing the entire house in its "Before" stage. Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself!
"Daddy Doc" came in from California to spend a relaxing week here in North Carolina. Little did he know that we don't mess around....we recruit good help when we see it. He didn't even know what he was getting himself into! Pffftt....jet lag or not, get to WORK!!! Ha!! And work he sure did! Look at this!
THANK YOU "DADDY DOC"!!! We hope you'll come back soon to work, I mean, visit!! :)
Don't these floor boards have the most rustic, amazing "finish"? I wanted to keep them. The horizontal layout, the texture, the vintage, rustic farmhouse look. Sigh. You can't duplicate it! Unfortunately, these are the sub-floor boards and have one million nails. My sweet husband really tried to find a way to make these work, but really the work to get these useable just isn't worth it or cost effective. :(
There's no way they could be sanded and the cracks are big enough we might could lose a kid.
Hey, wait......
then again......
I love those little boogers!
Too much mess, too much work. My little heart just had to give up on the dream of reclaiming them. But! We found some fancy laminate flooring that is fairly similar, darker, but has the worn look. It will be lovely!! Can't wait to give a sneak and reveal those suckers, but it will be a while, that is last on the list.
Hubby labored hard this day, bless his little heart. And knees. I am so proud of him. He's worked his patootie off getting this reno going. Maybe it is the toosh-slaps that I give for motivation!! ;)
Back on subject. Nasty floors.Seriously. This is GROSS. What IS that yellow stuff? I don't even want to know. ::shivers::
Oh looky! GLUE! Black, sticky glue. Everywhere. Again, another floor ruined. My hopes were to expose the concrete and resurface and stain it. No go. Not gonna happen.
Guess I didn't give enough "toosh-slaps" to get that job done.
This was tough work. I tried. I would chip off like 1/2" pieces at a time. Hubbs came in and was swinging that sledge hammer like a champ! I was impressed.
This too is getting covered in secret flooring to be revealed later! You can find it on
Lumber Liquidators but that's the only hint I'm giving. That, and it's kind-of brownish and pretty, AND it was ON SALE!! WHOOP!
And for some randomness, Fungi. We have mushrooms. Red ones, yellow ones, orange fluffy ones, big tall white ones and short tiny skinny ones. We could open a lovely little mushroom farm.
Or become drug dealers......
We aren't sure which ones to eat, share, or call the DEA for...... :D