Why I make things so difficult is beyond me. Seriously.
There are a few things I'm OCD over (like my sticky notes!) but for the most part....laundry goes unfolded, toys.are.everywhere, piles of unopened mail, half empty water bottles in the car (hey, you never know!)....that's me. It is what it is. Right now LIFE is so much more important. My kids will only be little once. I'll never get this time back being 30-something.
So WHY do I make things more difficult than they ought be?
So, before I even go any further with this blog, let me just clarify a few things:
- The cute little blog frames. Gone. Done. Too much work!
- Yes, I have a photography business, fancy equipment but NO I normally don't have it with me and even when I do, I still use my cellphone 98% of the time for taking pictures. And yes, most of my images are blurry and crazy but honestly, this blog is for fun. I'm going to keep it that way and NOT stress over the perfect blog pictures for now! And I'm refusing to feel bad about it. Got it, self? mmkay.
- There will be no rhyme or reason to my posts. I will do them when I get the chance and hopefully I will figure out some sort of schedule later on. But for now, I'll be jumping all over the place with my posts. Sorry about that.
- Well thought out posts - yeah that's tiring!
Oh you didn't even notice the blog frames and you aren't seeing very clever posts? Yeah, chances are that's the case. And part of the reason for this stems from my business blog where I had to always be "on" for clients. Honestly, this post is for me and me only. Most people could care less. But it is off my chest and out there just in case someone wanted to judge me for being so totally "not together".
A famous man once said....“I am what I am, and that's all that I am.” He's so smart, that Popeye!
Do you see me? Yep, that's me, clinging on for dear life to life.
This blog will be fun and easy. No fuss. From here on out!