Mom & Doc are building their new house...a temporary home while they sell their house. Eventually they will build back there behind us to the left. The boys have LOVED seeing all of the machinery that has come in and out to do work. Jasper can call each one by the correct name. To me they are all ((un))officially backhoes.
That's my madre. And that's me. 36 weeks pregnant. Large and in charge! I went into labor just a day or two later (only to be turned away with stalled labor - more on that later!). By the way, it is so hard not to rush the last month of pregnancy. Being so big really is just tough. Your back hurts, you feel like you could stick a pin in your skin and just fly away like a balloon releasing air.
Swollen feet.
My face always gets so puffy.
And just in case you can't tell that I'm as a big as a barn, the yellow really just points it out like a big fat pregnant hi-lighter!
These boys do love their "mighty machines"! All boy, through and through. What an adventure this has all been.
So many trees have been cut. In all honesty, it makes me sad. The forest was beautiful. But it was necessary. The pines that grow around here get so very tall and are top heavy causing safety concerns around a house. It's beautiful out here now though, seeing the clouds sweeping by.
This boy. That hair. My twin. We can't control the nappy-head at times. It just is what it is. We go with it.
We also go with dirty faces because this kid....dirt finds him.
Unintentional twinning. I love it. They need matching jon-jons.
Not really.
We aren't really the jon-jon "type".
We prefer dirt and hand-me-downs.
And I prefer to remain married to my husband!!
By all means, do NOT let them fool you! They haven't been this sweet since I took this picture.
And just in case you think this was yesterday....I'm behind on blogging.
Big time.
Izzy-girl always ready for a jog around the property.
Our very first "field" of sunflowers. And I use the word field loosely. We were planting the garden and turned around to notice that Jasper was spreading the seeds in the ashes from last year's burn pile. We weren't sure if any would grow. But we did end up with a good stand of them and they were beautiful!
How does one look at a sunflower, or any plant for that matter, watch it grow and bring forth fruit, seed or vegetable...BEAUTY....and not believe in the majesty of GOD?! Who else could make something so perfect?
11 And
God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and
the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself,
upon the earth: and it was so.
12 And
the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind,
and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind:
and God saw that it was good. // Genesis 1:11-12
We had broccoli. First time growing it. We, unfortunately though, were not prepared for the bugs and animals who destroyed the crop. I hope it was tasty little grubs. I wouldn't know. You're welcome.
So that was a little glimpse into our June.
More to come.
A lot has happened since the grubs ate the broccoli and the "backhoe" cleared the land.
Our family has grown // They've painted // He shaved // We started a new business // We lost sleep // I've cried, rejoiced, discussed and pondered...and did it again // We had summer //
We loved and lived.
It's been a season of change.
A season that I never thought would come again....and it has passed so quickly.
Time sort of has a way of doing that.
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