Tuesday, July 7, 2015

SoleHope, 21 Day Fix & a Giveaway!

 Does that make you think? Feel a little guilty about that piece of cake you just shoved in your mouth or the soda you just guzzled on break?

Well I don't want you to feel guilty. Honestly. I think it's a good reminder though.

God has abundantly blessed us with life. Again and again each day. We shouldn't take the blessing He has given us and just say "pffft....Man, I CAN have my cake and eat it too, and while I'm at it, I'll have another slice!"

Our bodies are a temple and worth feeding with the Word and with food that is good for us. It's worth caring about and taking care of.

Starting with our nutrition and exercise.

My initial thoughts about what I put in or on my body isn't always "is this good/healthy/energizing for me?" or "W.J.E.T.?" (Would Jesus Eat This?) I admit it. I'm guilty of not remembering the great gift I've been given and how much He has sacrificed for me. I'm hard-headed about taking the time to exercise for my well-being knowing that one day, Christ will ask what I did with those gifts he gave me....including my earthly body.

"Well done, good and faithful servant" isn't just about our works but HOW we live and the light we shine to others to be good stewards of everything He bestows upon us. It just so happens though, that everyone has a body. Some shorter. Some rounded. Some a little more squishy. Some natural disposed to skinny.

But we all have choices.

And it's high time we start making better choices where our health is concerned.

So I have this idea. What better way to motivate people to do something for themselves than to do something for them and others in return?

This month, July 2015, I am offering to all new coaches and customers an amazing opportunity to not only begin the journey of BETTER HEALTH, but I'm offering to honor your decision by donating $10 per customer/coach to SoleHope. $10 sponsors a pair of shoes for a child in Uganda suffering from the debilitating sores caused by sand fleas called jiggers. ...these aren't "chiggers" folks. way way worse.

If you haven't heard of SoleHope then check them out because you'll be forever changed.

Many people have tons of shoes ~ heels, wedges, flip flops, sandals, tennis shoes, loafers ~ just sitting in a closet not being used. We take such much for granted and it's pretty frustrating when you think about the freedoms that we have "over here" vs. "over there". The choice we make to just do nothing and take advantage of this life we have been blessed with.

Those tennis shoes?
PUT THEM ON. Go run, free from jiggers. Free to choose a better path to good health.

Those hiking boots?
PUT THEM ON. Go for a walk in the woods, free from insects that burrow into your feet causing severe pain.

Those heels? Honestly, you should probably toss them because they aren't good for your back, BUT....PUT THEM ON!
Go attend church and pray for these babies in Uganda who don't have a single pair of shoes and suffer daily from the sores and infestation.

You guys. It isn't all about you.
But I want YOU to make a choice TODAY to do something FOR you that will HELP OTHERS!

So again, anyone who purchases a 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack from me will be honored with a gift of $10 donated to SoleHope in your name! On top of that, you'll also be entered into a drawing for a FREE 21 Day Fix Fixate Cookbook to help you with your weight-loss and/or fitness transformation!!! 


Last but not least....

If you would like to donate jeans for Shoe Cutting Parties or if you would like to Host of Party of Your Own with a group of friends or church family, please reach out to the amazing folks at SoleHope. I am also collecting jeans for the ladies of our Sunday School Class to host our next party.

I promise if you do, you won't ever catch yourself saying "Well I would've rather just sat on my lazy behind and watched TV and had that piece of cake!" 

Nope. In fact, I bet you'll be inspired to....oh I don't know.....DO SOMETHING AMAZING WITH YOUR BLESSED LIFE! 

Get off your lazy behinds and

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