We've been working hard around these woods cutting down trees, pulling up vines, raking leaves...and leaves...and more leaves. Prettying up the place.
But holy freak-of-nature, this piece of land! You really can't even tell all the hard work we did with raking and pulling up vines because guess what?!?!
It's covered again! Vines. Leaves. Limbs.
You mean, I'm going to have to do this on a yearly basis?
Homeboy better get a better rake. Like an electric one. with a leaf boy to go with it. It's insane.
A couple of weekends ago we finally got a break in the weather, and schedule, and had us a big ole bonfire! Things get surrious around these woods and we break out the fire trucks and big hoses. "Arggh Arggh!!"

Oh but wait!! Ha!! I don't need a leaf boy! I've got three! Ok, carry on acting all big and stuff.
Well if so...."GET TO WORK KID!!! No sitting around while there are leaves falling every second of every day!"
And yes, I know mine. Feed the hungry monsters.
This fire was fah-sizzling hot!
One weenie on a stick is for the tough and the brave...and those without eyebrows.I'm not tough and although I need a wax, I'd prefer to keep the brows. So I had my scarf turbaned around my head to block the heat. Then smartened up and went to multiple weenies on a stick.
Oh and hello, bonfire = s'mores
I like mine hot. Says the girl married to the fireman. ;) Ahem. S'mores people! Get your mind outta the gutter!
See? Hot fireman-like dude staring at the hot fire. Contemplating whether to add more kerosene or let it burn nice and slowwwww.....
They let it burn.
and burn.....
and burn....
Until it was dark. The kids were tired. I had to pee. It was fun. Now let's go home!
PSA: Did you know that poison oak travels through smoke? Oh you didn't? Just ask my husband, stepdad and stepson. They've got the itch, dry skin and grossness to prove it. You're welcome.
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